Things to try inside the game. Some are useful, some are just for fun. Others are just weird!
Bit of overlap between the "Tricks" and "Interesting Stuff" pages... Check 'em both out.
Clone Multiplayer Characters:
Normally, the same character cannot be selected by more than one player. You can double (even triple) characters in Multiplayer. To triple a character, players 2, 3, and 4 will be doubles. Just have player 4 select the character to be doubled, and then change the # of players to 3. Then have player 3 select the same character. Change the match setup to two players, and have player 2 pick the same character.
Finally change it back to four (or three) players, but don't enter the character select screen. When the game starts, players 2, 3, and 4 will be cloned. You can even have two sets of clones; Have player 4 pick one of the ones to be copied, and player three pick the other, while players 1 and 2 pick anybody. Change it to only 2 players, and select the characters that players 3 and 4 picked. Change the game back to four players, and you'll have two sets of clones, two of each. This can be fun in 2 vs. 2, to easily tell your opponents from your teammate.
Got 'Er by The Tail (Multiplayer):
Xenia's ponytail counts as a headshot in Multiplayer (theoretically in Mission mode as well).
If you tag that cluster of polygons in License to Kill mode (One Hit Kills), it's the end of Miss Onatopp.
Disappearing Oddjob (Multiplayer):
To make it better, turn on No Radar. Start a game in the Archives and pick Oddjob. Go to the basement and blow up a crate, but try to make sure that the top stays on. You can move inside the crate. Do this, crouch and look all the way down with top C. You should be completely hidden by the crate, and other players usually can't see you.
Disappearing Explosives:
Place a timed mine or proximity mine on a weapon or ammo box and pick it up. The mine will be invisible until the ammo reappears. To make the mine permanently invisible, just place it on a defeated enemy's weapon and pick it up.
Mission Tricks & Glitches: Any Level
When you have two pairs of different weapons with one after the other (Only in the Frigate, Archives, and Aztec or with All Guns), select the higher weapon so you have two of them. select backwards (A+Z) twice, then select forward and try to shoot as the weapons change. If you did it right, you will have one gun in one hand, and a different on in the other.
Zoom Lens: Do the trick above, only make sure that the gun on the right has a zoom lens. You can even zoom in with the Shotgun, using the Sniper Rifle's sight.
Shoot in Cinema Scenes: You must complete all the objectives, and get to the end of the level. Before you finish, change the control settings to 2.3 Domino. Beat the level and you'll be able to shoot during the cinema scene, by pressing the Z button on the second controller. This works best when there are other characters in the scene. You can even kill Natalya, and win.
Instantly Detonate Remote Mines: After planting Remote Mines, have your weapon still as Remote Mines. You can press A+B together to detonate the mine, without switching to the detonator. This comes in handy during Multiplayer.
Lean: This is very easy, but many people don't know it. When you press R, you can lean left or right, using Left or Right C. Use this when taking cover behind a pillar or wall, to fire a few quick shots, while being exposed only for a second. You can also lean while crouching, just hold Bottom C along with R, and press Left or Right C.
Floating Bond: Turn on the Tiny Bond Cheat, and go to any level with stairs. Crouch (R+ Bottom C), at the top of the stairs, and walk down them. You'll stay suspended in mid-air util you reach the end of the stairs.
Mission Specific Tricks
The "Deadly" Paintbrush:Start your mission (without All Guns) and immediately put away your PP7. Go to the first guard tower and pick up the Sniper Rifle. Press "A" three times. You should be holding Bond's arm with a blue sleeve that resembles a paintbrush. You can swing it at enemies, but it's just as effective as slapping.
Fish in a barrel:
If you look nearby where you install the convert modem, there is a grate that allows you to see a room below. Guards patrol under you, and can't shoot at you. Shoot at them, or shoot to lure them there. Once they're there you can pick them off with ease.
Paint the Island:
Turn on paintball mode, and go to the actual dam itself. If you look across to the mysterious island, you can hit and cover it with paintballs.
Tiny Bond in the Truck:
Turn on the Tiny Bond cheat. Now run in front of the truck and crouch. As the truck passes over you, stand up. You will be stuck inside the truck, and the truck will stop. To get out, simply crouch back down and the truck will pass over you.
Weird Sound:
Just throw some throwing knives or mines into the water. After a while, the knives sound weird. Shoot your gun and it too sounds weird, but fires like normal.
Air Lock:
With the all guns cheat, take any explosive and blow up the lock that's on the gate leading to the actual Dam. After it explodes, the lock will be stuck in mid-air.
Guards in the truck:
First, kill everyone before the sliding doors, making sure that the truck doesn't get past. Then head to the first guard tower and hit the alarm. Go back to the gate where the truck is and there will be two soldiers stuck to the back of the truck. If you shoot them, they will try to run, but not go anywhere.
Run through the wall:
Turn on Turbo Mode, and go to where two guys are hiding behind a stone wall with the hole to shoot from. Get lots of speed and you can pass through it. You might have to keep pushing against it once you hit it.
Unarmed Guard:
Turn on Infinite Ammo. Install the Convert Modem, but keep planting more and more modems, until you can't plant any more. Then, shoot the lock off the fence, and head back to the guardhouse and hit the alarm. Take off, running down the Dam, and stop at the first tower. Wait a bit after the alarm stops, and then return to the guardhouse. There will be two extra guards there, one is unarmed, with no weapon.
If you head behind the tower closest to where you Bungee jump off of, and shoot paintballs at it, they go right through the wall. But jump off the Dam, and in the cinema scene, the paintballs are all over the front of the Dam.
Mines through walls: After the locker room, there are rooms on either side of the hall. Each one has a door. Press right up against the wall, to the right of the door, and angle yourself up a bit with top C. It's possible to throw mines through the wall, and into both of the rooms.
Crazy Ourumov:
After you talk to Trevelyan, Ourumov holds him at gunpoint. Wait for him to start the countdown, then shoot Trevelyan. When his countdown ends, he'll point down, and turn and shoot the wall.
Open other stall doors:
This is almost useless in Mission mode, but can be more effective in Multi. When you're in any stall, fact the closed door, and turn towards a stall on your left or right. If you are at the right angle, that door will open and yours will stay closed. Use this trick in Multiplayer to confuse opponents.
Keycard A:
To find the "master key" for this mission, just wait about five minutes after starting the level. A Scientist will run to the bathroom (if you don't stop him first). You can fire a warning shot, or kill him and he will drop the card. With this card, you don't have to activate security doors.
Get Back in the Vent:
You can climb back into the ventilation shaft, by going back into the stall you came out of. Just go in, face out, stand on the toilet, Press R and Left C, And hold the control stick to the left. You'll spin around a few times then you'll see the shaft. Just press forward and you're in. This comes in handy during Multiplayer mode.
Make Scientists Mad:On 007 Agent or 00 Agent (Or on Secret Agent using a
weak weapon), shoot a Scientist a twice in the arm or leg. After his
second painful experience, he should pull out a Dostovei and shoot at
you. If you wait, he'll even throw grenades.
Make Trevelyan Mad:

Save Trevelyan?: You need the Gold PP7 (or All guns). Invincibility and
Slow Animation helps too. After you meet Trevelyan, Ourumov will hold
him at gunpoint. If you shoot Ourumov before he kills Trevelyan,
Trevelyan will be frozen on his knees, you can kill him and still pass
the Mission!
Bullet through Soldier's head:

Turn on Invisibility and All Guns. Go to a stationary soldier that is wearing a helmet. Go right up against him and aim just above his eyes. When you shoot, he doesn't take damage. You can even try this with a Magnum, and you can see that the bullet went right through him, because of the bullet hole in the wall.
Save Alec!!!:
You can actually use the Golden Gun/Gold PP7 to eliminate Ourumov as soon as he enters the bottling room. When this is done, Alec will continue as normal, shooting guards forever, and not being killed by Ourumov.
Ourumov Doesn't Show:
You can actually make it so Ourumov doesn't come when the alarm is sounded. After you've begun speaking with Alec, head to the bottling room door, and move to it's right, where the glass is. Use a KF7 to zoom in through the glass, angled looking at the hallway before the bottling room door. Guards will appear, but no Ourumov.
Clearance Card Mix-Up:
Collect both of the level's security cards, usually you collect card "A" last. Select the last card you have from the inventory, unpause, then pause again. You'll have switched to the other card, usually card "B" instead. Weird. Thanks to CAGE.
Beat Level, Kill Trevelyan, No Alarm:
Meet with Trevelyan, then race back to the bottling room door. After OBJECTIVE C: COMPLETED, leave the bottling room, and Trevelyan will inform you there's a job to be done. Return, and shoot Trevelyan before he sees you. He'll die, but you've already completed the objective with him. Detonate the tanks, Alec won't get in the way, and the alarm won't go off. Easy.
Floating... Everything:

Turn the All Guns Cheat on. Select the Sniper Rifle and go outside the main building. Look down the Runway with the zoom lens. All of the guards and barrels will appear to be floating.
Disappearing Grenades:
Have either All Guns or Grenade Launchers. On both sides of the runway, there are huge round gas tanks, two on each side. Stand close, and not right up against one. Aim your grenade launcher near the bottom of the visible part tank and fire. If you do it right, the grenades will bounce and vanish without exploding.
Take cover UNDER the Tank:

All you have to do, is drive the tank down the Runway, and head to the left side, where the snowdrifts are. If you get it parked on an angle, you can get out, and approach the front or back while crouching, and go under it! You can see all the guards shooting, but they can't hit you!
Thanks to MrLL84 for this Trick!
Bond Jumps: After you shoot off the locks on the ventilation tower, you can make Bond jump over the gap.
Red Books:

If you go to the left of the satellite tower, you will find a fence with two cabins. The cabin on the left, with the safe, has a box in the corner. Destroy the box, and a dozen red books will come out. Also on the desk, there is a general's hat, another book, and a lamp.
More Stuff:

There are two more cabins, past the fence and to the right. The next cabin on the right has a desk, with a model car and a motorbike. Both explode when you shoot them.
Gas Cans:
In the next cabin, to the left, there are two full gas cans in the corner. Of course if you shoot them, they explode.
Inside the Camera:

If you go to the side of the level, and go past the caged area with two cabins, you'll find two more. The one on the right has a video camera on the side. Walk up to it, and it surrounds your vision, and you're inside it. You can walk right out of it, or shoot it and destroy in from the inside.
Bullet holes:
If you take your gun and shoot at the snow, you will make a bullet hole. But if you go to the fenced in area and shoot a bullet through the fence into the snow, nothing happens. But you can make marks on the cabins though.
Teleporting Explosives:
Go to the ventilation tower, but shoot off the locks and don't go in. Shoot mines or grenades down the hole. They will hit the bottom but explode on top.
Weird Sound:
Just throw some throwing knives or mines into the trees. After a while, the knives sound weird. Shoot your gun and it too sounds weird, but fires like normal.
Floating Mines:

With the All Guns cheat on, go to the big room with the screen. Above there are TV screens hanging from the ceiling. Place remote mines on them and detonate them. Now the rest of the mines you throw should float in mid air. Also, rockets and grenades also float, as well as tank shells.
The "Null Glitch":

Burn everyone but yourself:

Turn the Invincibility cheat on. Take out a plastique and place it on a wall. Shoot it and it will explode, and won't stop. You can go around the level, and the explosions follow you, blowing up everything and everyone in the Silo.
Open up the roof:

Play as normal, but after the second fuel room, turn left instead of right. Look up, and switch to unarmed. The roof will open and you can see the sky. Pull out a weapon, and the roof closes.
This was related to an objective earlier in development...
Make Scientists Mad:
On 007 Agent or 00 Agent (possible on Secret Agent), shoot a Scientist a twice in the arm or leg. After his second painful experience, he should pull out a Dostovei and shoot at you. If you wait, he'll even throw grenades.
Kill Ourumov:
You need the Gold PP7 (or All guns) Invincibility and Slow Animation helps too. When you open the last door, aim at Ourumov and fire. If you hit him, you can pick up his mysterious Briefcase and Key. Once rumored to somehow find the mysterious Oddjob or Mayday - It has since proven to have no use in the finished game.
Floating Doors:
With the Tiny Bond cheat, go to the first stairs heading down. Crouch, and float down the stairs slowly. You should go through a wall, and eventually see a door. You can open the door and go through it. Turn to your right and move forward to see another floating door. You can't reach this far door.
Magical Executions:
Turn on Enemy rockets, and instead of the hostages being executed, they will just fall to the floor.
This also works when someone has a gun on Natalya.
Holding the air hostage:
Turn on Invisibility and shoot a hostage. The guard should be still pointing his gun, but the hostage is gone.
Weird Sound: Just throw some throwing knives or mines into the water. After a while, the knives sound weird. Shoot your gun and it too sounds weird, but fires like normal.
The Bombs:
The bombs are actually the same plastiques from the Silo. If you go up to one and press B, it'll explode.
Disable Projectiles:
Infinite Ammo and All Guns; plant tracker bugs ON the ship, until the game won't let you plant anymore. After this, your Throwing Knifes, Mines, Rockets, and Grenades don't work.
Guards Tinted Gold:
After you destroy the Spetnaz aircraft, move onto the helipad. Guards will follow, and if any walk on top of the "H", they will be tinted gold. This is useless, but just looks kinda cool.
Weird Sound:
Just throw some throwing knives or mines into the trees. After a while, the knives sound weird. Shoot your gun and it too sounds weird, but fires like normal.
One mine, two explosions:
When you go to disable the Spetnaz aircraft, plant the mine and press A+B. The mine explodes, then explodes again because you shouldn't have been able to detonate it.
Goldeneye Movie Cover:
(Also mentioned in the "Interesting Stuff" Page)
After you collect the CCTV tape, pause the game and check your items. If you select the CCTV tape, you will see that it's actually the Goldeneye movie box.
Find the Throwing Knives: If you use the watch magnet to the right of your cell, you will pick up throwing knives from under the grating.
Kill Trevelyan! Complete Objective:
Slow Animation, All Guns, Infinite Ammo;
When you show up for your meeting with Janus, have your weapon be Proximity Mines. When Janus instructs you to put away your weapon, toss a mine at him, then pause, and select unarmed. Alec will die, but he'll still talk. Stand still until it says "OBJECTIVE B: COMPLETE", because even though Alec is dead, the game will flag it if you tried to leave before the objective is complete.
Disappearing Guards:
Beat the level, but don't kill any of the Janus Special Forces (the guys with shotguns). After collecting the flight recorder, find one and he'll run. Follow him, and he'll join with the others, and eventually disappear into thin air, in front of your eyes... If you can keep up with them though.
Guards aim at Mishkin:
Beat the level, filling all objectives. After you find the helicopter black (orange) box, go to the gates to see Mishkin's guards holding Natalya. Shoot Natalya, and the guards should take aim at Mishkin.
Vanishing Natalya: After you save Natalya from the helicopter, run down the hill backwards, so you can see her. She'll follow you, and if you have proper timing, she'll be running and disappear into thin air, and will magically be at the gates.
Float out the window:
Sometimes, after you break the window, you can inch your way out, and won't drop to the ground. You can even look around and see the Archives building.
Kill Natalya:All Guns, complete objectives to see the cinema scene, choose Agent to make it easier. Rescue Natalya, shoot out the window and make sure Natalya is behind you. Plant a timed mine on the floor or beside the window. Wait about four seconds and start out the window. Natalya dies, and sometimes flies out the window.
(All the Depot glitches here involve the cinematic scene at the end of the mission)
Automatic Golden Gun:
Just turn on the Golden Gun or All Guns cheat and complete the level holding the Golden Gun. Don't kill the guys in the train, just get in. Bond will use the Golden Gun in the cinema scene, but he shoots multiple rounds out of it, as if it were an automatic.
Bond Shoots the Ceiling:
Turn on Slow Animation. Complete all objectives. Then, in the cinema scene, Bond will shoot the first guard, then after a while, he'll aim his gun upwards, and start endlessly firing at the ceiling of the train. This is pretty weird looking.
Bond shoots his foot:
Turn on the Tiny Bond cheat, and Slow Animation. Beat the level and complete all objectives. In the cinema scene, Bond will shoot the first guard, then after a while, he'll start shooting at his own foot. Not only that, but his hands are behind his back...
Bond Misses:
Turn on the Fast Animation Cheat. Beat the level, and enter the train. In the Cinema scene, one guard will run, and Bond will shoot where he used to be and the guard still dies.
Get an extra weapon: In the first train car, after you take out all of the guards, blow up the crates in the left side of the car near the door. If you're playing on Agent, you'll get an RC-P90, but any other Agent level and you get a crappy DD44. The RC-P90 makes the level easier, especially in the narrow halls of some of the cars. You can make bullets go through the guard in front of you and hit another one or two.
Get more time: This is almost necessary on 00 Agent. When you're in the last car and must save Natalya, go as far right as possible. When you shoot Ourumov, continue shooting and aim for Xenia. If you hit her she'll tell Alec to wait. Their escape will take longer, and Natalya will be able to find out Boris's Password
Get to the front of the Train: You can get inside the room where Trevelyan and Xenia were, with Turbo Mode and Slow Animation. Just plow through them and hopefully the door won't close until after you are in. This can be tough to do, but it's neat to be inside that car.
Go back in the Train: This is simple, but I didn't realize it was possible. When you leave the train, it will explode, and you can go back inside through the hatch in the floor where you escaped from.
Kill Trevelyan, Xenia, Ourumov, save Natalya: Have the All Guns or Lasers cheat. When you get to the car where Ourumov is holding Natalya at gunpoint, line up so that Xenia is behind Ourumov. Shoot to kill them both and you can also kill Trevelyan before the door slides shut.
Natalya dies for no reason: Turn enemy rockets on. When you get to the last car, let Ourumov kill Natalya. He won't shoot her with his grenade launcher, she will just fall to the floor without being shot.
Natalya Kills Xenia: Turn on the Invincibility cheat, and beat up to the bridge with Natalya still alive. When you meet Xenia, you can shoot her, but don't kill her. Natalya sometimes fires her Magnum at Xenia, with accurate aim, and eventually kills her.
Magic Grenade Launcher: There is a ladder, just before a drone gun. If you get close to the ladder, and fire a grenade round directly at it, it will go through the wall, and the explosion occurs at the top of the platform.
Kill Boris... and Win!: This is so simple, why didn't I think of it before? Instead of walking up to Boris, go right, and blow up the far glass wall. Go get Natalya, and while she's going to the computer, let Boris have it. Boris Dies and Natalya still helps you. How wonderful!
No Help From Natalya: If you kill Boris, then go back to Natalya, she'll refuse to help you because "That wasn't very nice what you did to Boris", and you'll fail your mission.
Ride the Elevator: Have the Turbo Mode cheat and Slow Animation also helps. After Natalya has disabled the satellite, go to through the door closest to Trevelyan's elevator. Stay against the wall, then when you are almost in front of it, run forward and strafe to the right. If you did it quick enough, you'll be inside the elevator with Trevelyan. He'll still say "Too slow James." This trick takes a bit of practice. You can even kill him once inside.
Magical Enemies: After Natalya starts working in the main control room, ignore her pleas for cover and go to the top floor. Near both empty rooms, guards will start falling from nowhere when the alarm goes off.
Shoot from the lift:
You can pick off one of the guards while you're still inside the elevator! On the right side of the door, there is a tiny sliver where you can see through, if you line it up right, you'll see a guards head. Line him up for a couple of headshots. After you get him, another guard will come into the lift to get you, you can kill him while he's opening the door.
Make Scientists mad: On 007 Agent or 00 Agent (possible on Secret Agent), shoot a Scientist a twice in the arm or leg. After his second painful experience, he should pull out a Dostovei and shoot at you. If you wait, he'll even throw grenades.
Double AR33 Assault Rifles:
Play the level, up until the big room where you must contact Jack Wade on the radio. After you kill all of the guards, look in the far corner of the room, left of the door. There is a crate in the corner, and if you shoot it, a smaller crate will come out, then another smaller crate. Keep doing this and two computer screens will fly out. Shoot both of them to collect your twin AR33s.
Super Flying Guards:
All Guns, Infinite Ammo. Lure guards to the top walkways of the Cradle, facing down the ramp. Plant a remote mine behind them, and head down the ramp, and detonate it. They will fly unusually far down the ramp. Quite entertaining.
Magic Launchers: Bring a rocket or Grenade Launcher to the Cradle (or use All Guns). Turn around, and fire at the tower that you started in front of. The grenades and rockets will pass right through it, as if it isn't even there. Strange.
Ghost Rockets: While on the "shed" level of the Cradle, aim down to the level below. Any rockets you shoot down there will go through the walkway, and even through guards without exploding.
Pick off Trevelyan: When you confront Trevelyan for the first time, go to the right, and look over the balcony at Trevelyan. You can easily hit him and he won't shoot back.
Cheat Death: If you are playing when not Invincible, Trevelyan can shoot you off the lower platform, and you'll die. If you time it right. You can come back up before you fall. Just push the control stick towards the platform if you've just been pushed off the edge. It doesn't always work, if you let yourself fall too far before pushing. Once you start to go over the edge, push towards the platform. Sometimes you can even see the underside and make it back up.

Turn on the Slow Animation cheat, and any others you want. Beat the level as you normally would. In the cinema scene, the helicopter will fly away without you.
No! Stop! Come back!
Bond Flies:

Look at Bond go!
Falling Bond:

Beat the level with DK Mode, and in the Cinema scene, Bond will look weird hanging from the chopper, then he falls off.
Weird Sound: Just throw some throwing knives or mines off the railing into the nothingness. After a while, the knives sound weird. Shoot your gun and it too sounds weird, but fires like normal.
Jump the gap: In the big room where the guard are hiding behind the crates, there is a trench through the middle of the room. If you get a running start, you can pass over it without going down. This is easier with Turbo mode.
Get up from the gap: Turn turbo mode on. If you go down the gap, you can strafe against either side (left or right C) and pop back up. You might have to look up with bottom C to get back up. You can also do this without Turbo mode if you are falling but haven't touched the bottom yet.
The easy way to kill Jaws: Approach him from the front, but don't let him see you. Shoot the guard to his right. Run back where you came from, around the corner and turn around and crouch. As soon as you see Jaws, get pressed up against him and he can't hurt you. You have to do this as soon as he is at the corner, before he can get off a shot. Once you're up against him, start firing your laser and aim with bottom C up at his chest and head. Keep firing until he drops.

Fail mission, see Cinema. This is the only level where you can fail the mission, and watch the cinema scene. Just grab the protocol, and don't upload the shuttle guidance with the disk. Just head straight back to the hangar, and launch the shuttle.
Kill Baron Samedi for good:

Before you kill that (possibly undead?) Voodoo sorcerer for the third time, have two controllers and switch the controls to 2.3 Domino. Shoot him (with the second controller's Z button. Watch the cinema scene, and when Baron starts laughing his head off, start firing on the second controller. He'll drop dead.
Destroy Drone Guns in Scaramanga's Shrine:
With the All Guns, Rockets or Grenade Launchers cheat, you can destroy the drone guns in the Golden Gun room, which can't be destroyed with bullets. Exit, and go back in. All of the guns are working again.
Ghost Pillars:

In the room where you start off, look into the water pool, and find a reflection of a pillar. When you shoot the reflection, you can see the bullet hole in the pillar, but the real pillar doesn't have a mark on it, and vice versa.
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