GoldenEye 007 underwent numerous changes during production.
Things were modified to make everything more functional and flowing.
Many noticeable differences between the pre-release screenshots and the finished game.
We'll always be a fascinated by the game's developmental stage.
Decided to compile the genuine "beta" screenshots.
We've seen 'em all before, but I figured it would be neat to have them in one place.
No final game comparisons, codes or mods...
Just pure, 100% pre-release GoldenEye 007:
Shared a fascination of Beta GoldenEye with the world...
In return, my collection of pre-release screenshots grew exponentially as like-minded people submitted their own scans and captures from video clips.
Some of the earliest pieces of "beta" GoldenEye history, taken from a promo clip when the game was still an "on-the-rails" shooter - And before the Nintendo "Ultra" 64 had been released to the general public.
Armed with an Assault Rifle, James Bond takes an elevator ride vertically up towards the top of the Missile Silo.
(Thanks to Crash for sharing this video)
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Basic lift structure, comprised of metal supports. |
(Clip available here:
Once Bond reaches the upper level, he encounters a green-clad Jungle Commando guard (uniform #00).
In the finished game, the Commandos don't show up until the Jungle stage.
The guard's head seems to be Karl (head #2A), which also happens to be the first one in the memory.
Mentioned previously, but for interest sake: General Ourumov (with his Briefcase and Key - More on that later!) is actually facing towards this door in the finished version game.
The General of course turns to confront Bond (before fleeing). This could be another leftover from when the mission's "original starting point" was near what would become the "actual exit" in the finished game.More early Silo pics featuring a Janus Special Forces guard (uniform #04). Likely one of the first guard uniforms to be created, and they've been seen in a few "beta" missions where they don't exist in the finished game.
The metal elevator/lift structure can be seen on left.Both of these Silo pics seem to show a light blue door with yellow caution stripes (as opposed to the silver/grey doors in the finished game).
The lift can also be seen stretching all the way down towards the base of the Silo.A developers' look from outside the Silo.
The elevator shaft itself visible running from top to bottom.A bit of "evolution" in the Silo as we see the guards now dressed as Russian Infantry (uniform #03).
There's the old KF7 Soviet, and the guards have scarface "beta" heads...
Chris's head (#36) is the "Scarface Guy" who's become a classic figure in most beta shots.
His head wasn't the first head created, but perhaps it was just the one being tested at the time when gaming magazines got to experience a few demos.As the game got more polished and closer to completion, it seemed as if every single "scar-faced" guard had been replaced by Jim's head (#39). I'm not sure if they changed the heads mission by mission, or did one huge batch change of all the guards...
James Bond silhouette on the computer screen.
Likely just a placeholder until other graphics were implemented.
Several amusing graphics were created by the GoldenEye team for use on these screens...This is an official Rareware shot - And I believe that every single Rareware preview screenshot for GoldenEye 007 features Jim's head on the guards.
FACILITYOne of the most famous "beta" shots in existence.
So many visible differences in one shot.One neat concept is the use of the Timed Mine, which is true to the movie... (But also rather challenging considering it's the second mission, and is likely why Bond was later equipped with Remote Mines instead.)
In the bottom right, the number of mines shows as 1/4, almost as if it displays a magazine...
Just something that isn't in the final game.More scarface guys, and a scientist where we don't usually see them.
It's the "Beta Rocket Launcher".
The lack of windows could indicate that the level isn't finished yet.Appears as if all Scientists had Scott's head (#41) for a period of time. Although it's hard to tell in the right screenshot, I don't think the scientist head belongs to Jim or Scott..
The classic "stacked tanks" in the bottling room, similar to the GoldenEye movie.
A Scientist visible off in the distance.I believe someone scanned this off an N64 system box...
The heads for "Grant" and "Neil" (heads #38 & 30 respectively) are visible here, common in many "late-beta" shots & videos.
The Facility looks the way it does now, aside from the old KF7, late in production.
SURFACEUnfinished Surface mission, without a chain link fence on the posts. The sky is also much clearer.
Communications Dish.
BUNKERA few more magazine scans, including a Bond silhouette on-screen.
FRIGATE (aka "DESTROYER")Scarface guy from a magazine scan, and the old mission name, "Destroyer".
Seems mission name "DESTROYER" may simply have contained too many characters... Shortened to "FRIGATE" which has eight.
STATUEA much lighter sky in the left screenshot from Rareware. The right screenshot is a magazine scan that doesn't show anything specifically "beta", except possible assault rifle use in this mission.
Darker atmosphere.
Many screenshots from this time period show Bond using the Assault Rifle.Scarface guy getting shot in Statue park.
ARCHIVESAnother favorite shot right from the GoldenEye box... Old KF7s, Infantry guards in the archives, "beta" glass, and even a green ceiling lamp hanging from the ceiling. Dwayne's head (#31) is visible here on the left guard
Magazine scan.
Guard has Jim's face.
This particular Shotgun is found within the All Guns cheat, and never found during the course of the regular Missions (nor Multiplayer).
The "Automatic Shotgun" is the one found (in Statue Park) and Multiplayer.
TRAINOnly real change in the train that we know of is the glass by the computer that Natalya hacks... Used to have a crosshair style target, now it's just an empty pane...
Scanned from the GoldenEye strategy walkthru in Nintendo Power magazine, August 1997 (same month the game was released).
CAVERNSDifferent Caverns door. This may be an official Rareware shot....
I believe both of these are magazine scans.
Nothing notoriously beta, unless you count the scarface guards.Another screenshot from my cavernous collection...
CONTROLAnother shot from the GoldenEye box...
The door in the background is light blue, (final version has dark metal blast door), and we see the Janus Special Forces making another appearance. In the final missions, it seems as if you're always facing the Special Forces... But in the final game, they don't make an appearance in the Control Center.
CRADLEMagazine scan, showing 007's blue tux and cuff (Bond now wears his "Timber Bond" attire during the Cradle mission)
AZTECAnother look at Bond's blue suit, possibly used in other missions before various other suits were assigned.
It looks to be during a start intro, and if that's the case, the start point is different than we know if in the final game (007 is shown here in the second room instead of the first), but it could have simply have been a snapshot taken while debugging.
A different taser is used by the final game. The weapon itself is only located within the "All Guns" cheat, and not found during any of the missions.
Interestingly enough, an animation of a guard being "shocked" exists in the memory. It's not used by the final game, but can be found on M16A/2
Better known as the AR33 Assault Rifle.
Weapon names changed to avoid legal entanglements.
(Don't wanna mess with people who make guns)Military Laser
Better known as the Moonraker Laser.
The Laser is featured in a surprising number of "beta" screenshots, especially for a weapon that's only available on one of the final missions.
Assuming the Laser gun was just something that was enabled for testers, so they'd have more fun with the game.Mine (Timed)
Better known as Timed Mine.
Simplified versions of each mine also exist, within the game's memory.From a classic beta GoldenEye video that features Connery and the Blackhawk Magnum.
It's also being played in the Bunker with 4 players, which is restricted to 3 players in the finished version, possibly due to frame rates...
With Gameshark codes (and GoldenEye Mods) you can played the "forbidden" 4 player arenas without experiencing any issues except a bit of lag if someone's going crazy with the explosives...
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