Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Can't Rush Perfection...

Mario is Missing!

Little Miss Dark manages to usurp Super Mario!
How can this be?

Possibly because of an unplanned side-project, the Perfect Dark N64 Blog which quietly debuted last year.

Much of the content is not to be taken seriously - But many of the cheat codes, unlockables, secrets and walkthru pages have been restored.

" Because The Best   Video Games Came Out Last Century! "

1Perfect DarkN642000
2Super Mario Bros. 3NES1990
3GoldenEye 007 N641997
4Donkey Kong Country 2SNES1995
5Super Mario All-StarsSNES1993

Despite the enduring popularity of Super Mario Bros 3, the NES classic gets bumped down one spot as Agent 007 hides in the basement shadows.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Re-Blogged Post...

Quick test of the "Blog This!" feature to share a post from another blog...

Just because I think the post is interesting, and have absolutely no additional information on this random 007 tidbit from Casino Royale... (Have also a fan of the guy's blog for a number of years)

Sportscards From The Dollar Store: "That's Italian for Adrienne Barbeau":

AKA Urbano Barberini - MST3Ked movie autograph! He was Cabot from episode #519 Outlaw. It's the movie where they spend the...
Read More [external link]


Can't see myself using the "Blog This!" feature very often...
I liked it better when you needed to know HTML to use the web.

The fact that everything is automated with convoluted formatting - Not to mention the fact that there's not so much as a basic image to entice you to follow the link...

(I sound like old time folks who grew up driving a Model T, wishing people with automatic transmission would quit cruising all over the road with their faces buried in Smartphones)

Took twenty minutes to re-format this so it actually flows properly.
Should have just coded it from scratch, but I digress...