Quick test of the "
Blog This!" feature to share a post from another blog...
Just because I think the post is interesting, and have absolutely no additional information on this random
007 tidbit from
Casino Royale... (Have also a fan of the guy's blog for a number of years)
Sportscards From The Dollar Store: "That's Italian for Adrienne Barbeau":

AKA Urbano Barberini - MST3Ked movie autograph! He was Cabot from episode #519 Outlaw. It's the movie where they spend the... Read More [external link]
Can't see myself using the "
Blog This!" feature very often...
I liked it better when you needed to know
HTML to use the web.
fact that everything is automated with convoluted formatting - Not to
mention the fact that there's not so much as a basic image to entice you
to follow the link...
(I sound like old time folks who grew up driving a
Model T, wishing people with automatic transmission would quit cruising all over the road with their faces buried in Smartphones)
Took twenty minutes to re-format this so it actually flows properly.
Should have just coded it from scratch, but I digress...