Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp |
Watching the 1995 GoldenEye movie and couldn't believe how young Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) looks...
She was only about 21 at the time of the movie's release.(Izabella Scorpuco as Natalya was 25).
Xenia looked more mature during the casino scene, but it was during the Bunker scene when she looked incredibly young.
Back then, my first thought was "Damn, now that is a woman!".
Now, my first thought is "Damn she's hot - and barely out of high school!".
From the GoldenEye 007 video game, can't recall ever posting this text from Miss Moneypenny.
It still makes me laugh:
A text message from the early days of instant messenging...
One of those women has hostile intentions...
Always glad when she gets there first...
These VHS tapes will barely fetch a dollar...
I technically own three copies of the
GoldenEye movie - The VHS tape,
GoldenEye DVD and another disc from
"The Pierce Brosnan Collection".
How have these movies stood the test of time? Which ones have endured as the most watchable?
Some have aged like a fine wine, and others haven't fared so well.
GoldenEye |
GoldenEye (1995)
Some of the "newer"
Brosnan movies seemed more exciting at the time, but I'd still have to pick
GoldenEye as my favorite
Brosnan 007 movie.
This is also the first
Bond movie to really feature the new "
Internet" technology (complete with
14.4K modems!). Now the internet is everywhere, completely encompassing us as if we're in "
The Matrix"...
Tomorrow Never Dies
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Not a great movie, but it still has many great parts that makes it genuinely entertaining.
Give it a chance. Like
Darth Vader, this flick can still be turned from the dark side of your movie collection. "
There's still good in it!"
The World is Not Enough
The World is Not Enough (1999)
Overall, the movie seems a bit long and tends to drag in spots... But I am still fond of this one, because it's different.
The talents of
Denise Richards are a bit wasted, as I feel there could have been more of her...
Die Another Day
Die Another Day (2002)
Possibly the most agonizing
Brosnan Bond flick to sit through (thankfully
Casino Royale is up next!).
Even the villains in
Die Another Day manage to be a little more than mildly interesting.
Brosnan looks old on the cover. At first glance, I thought
Halle Berry was helping him hold his gun upright.
Speaking of
Halle Berry, she pulls off the beach "homage" scene quite nicely, a testament to her ability as an
Oscar-winning actress.
But sadly, the rest of the movie is just dreadful for the most part. But
as a completist, I simply could "not"
not have it in my collection.
I see they've cleverly incorporated the orange bikini onto future releases of the
Die Another Day box art...